Courses taught in the

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

North Dakota State University


ECE 341: Random Processes


Syllabus : Old Homework : Resources

Text Books

·         Introduction to Statistics:  Univ of British Columbia (free on-line)

·         Probability and Stochastic Processes, Yates ($6 used)

·         Probability and Statistics, DeGroot, ($6 used) - recommended

·         Principles of Statistics, Bulmer ($6 used)

·         A First Course on Stochastic Processes, Karlin and Taylor ($11 used) – text for markov chains

·         Combinatorics, Joy Morris (Univ British Columbia on-line text books)

·         Introduction to Statistics, Shafer and Zhang, UBC on-line text books

·         Introductory Statistics, UBC on-line text books



Statistics Tables

·         StatTrek